Monday, 31 December 2012

Last day of the year 2012!!!

Last day of the year, and what do I look back at? 

Many things, events, achievements, pain, gain, fun and a lot more. The beginning of the year 2012 was packed with traveling, so was the middle of it but towards the end, i am spending my hours in the office researching, reading and writing. I have no complaints about anything but the atrocities that were inflicted on the women folk made my heart bleed and head ache.

It's not just the New Delhi gang-rape case but the other incidents such as of the Special Task Force inflict on the poor and unresourceful tribals of the Naxal infested areas. Even at times the army does inhuman acts to their own countrywomen. All these things could be handled promptly if the media is honest and the journalism is done for pure journalism.

Amidst all this hue and cry over the 23 year old girl who died a peaceful death (fortunately) in Singapore. The nation must now get together for the females who are brutalised by the government agencies and then they are being defended by the same agency. The victims are still alive and seek justice. The nation should come together and do what is right.

I will do my part.

Even if that means, walking alone.

I will!!!

Saturday, 29 December 2012

RIP The Warrior!!!

Finally the Warrior went to heaven, leaving the entire nation amidst shock and awe over her entire agonizing episode of suffering, struggling, and finally a sound sleep. The fight is not yet over though. This incident resulted in mass protest by the youth of India, which shook the policy makers in such ghastly manner that they didn't dare to go talk to the protestors in public. Instead, they send the law enforcement agencies to "Manage" (Read MANHANDLE) the crowd.

What surprised me was the way Sushil Kumar Shinde (Home Minister) acted. He is indeed more a perfect political brat, than a statesman who would go and meet the students when they really need him. His excuse is the most lame that I heard in recent years from any politicians. What surprises me is the lust of these old people, for the chair, the power, the attention. The 2014 General Elections are approaching and they will have to go down to their constituencies for contesting the elections. And there is a fair possibility that they will win because there will be no competent youth to challenge them in the elections. 

Doesn't the government understand that the peaceful rally by students is more safe to address than to go and meet the Maoists. Both the students and Maoists are two different entities.

To top the trauma, the so called "managing" of the crowd costed the Delhi Police one of their own constable Subhash Chand Tomar, who suffered a heart attack while chasing the crowd of youth. If he wouldn't be pushing himself to "manage" the crowd on the orders of his superiors, then he would have been alive. The President and the Prime Minister, both seem to have lost the sensibility and sensitivity to a vital problem that concerns the dignity of women. The political practicality seems to have gone to Alzheimer because of old age. The response time of the Congress Supremo Sonia Gandhi, Delhi CM Sheila Dixit, President and the Prime Minister is so dull that I am ashamed to even compare them with the American President, who acts promptly to crisis.

What has startled me is the non-involvement of the Prince of Congress, Rahul Gandhi. The Congress Govt. could have sent him to talk to the youth. Congress is looking for the young youth leaders all across India but it didn't send its own leader to talk to the possible future leaders. It seems, the party doubts the potential of its own prince. I don't blame them, it happens at times. Especially at times like this when the crowd is young, intelligent and understands their rights and constitutional powers. If Rahul Gandhi would have entered into the arena, it would have brought the party in a good image with at least the youth.

Now I wonder, since the victim is dead, her boyfriend in a miserable condition, the government being impotent, will the judiciary do anything? I highly doubt that

 -I suggest the youth of my nation and all the activist, let's stop the protest on the street.
-Hire an excellent lawyer, and get all the culprits bail. It would be easy now.
-Ladies shall meet them outside the jail and give them a warm welcome.
-Then the pieces of the culprits can be taken to everybody's home as a souvenir.

This shall set perfect example for the eve-teasers, molesters, rapists and the government. To add more to the blow, this is what another fella has suggest;

"Why doesn't the nation boycott the Republic Day celebrations in totality? Ensure a "NO SHOW". They don't want the citizens gathering even for a peaceful protest, so why should crowds gather to hear them at their convenience? And what is the Nation celebrating anyway?

Let the PM & the President address vacant spaces & buildings. They don't want our presence now but let us be absent when it matters most. Let the world get a taste of our disgust. Let us shame them by playing their game."

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Justice for Laxmi & Soni and other tribal?

It's good to see that the youth of my nation have finally come out of their protected and fancy layer of shell, to protest against the system and its administrators. The cause may be the horrifying rape incident with a medical student from Delhi but it has sure put the youth together, on one platform to stand and raise their voice. The outcome may not be concrete but it will definitely make a lot of change in the mentality of the political, and bureaucratic administrative branches.

The media is to be praised significantly, for bringing this entire incident to light, and churning righteous anger, out of the people on the street. However, what surprises me is the media's almost no role in bringing out the atrocities on the tribal females in light that happened couple of years ago. They were humiliated, and went through the kind of pain that none of us would ever understand or want to experience. The media could have played a lead role in getting them the justice but it didn't put the news in the same manner, as it did with the New Delhi rape victim or the Assam molestation victim.

Laxmi Oraon

She was barely 19 when she was participating in a rally with fellow tribefolk in the month of November 2007, asking to be recognized as "Scheduled Tribe" in the state of Assam but not a "Tea Tribe." The rally went peacefully for sometime till the local hooligans started to interfere with their procession. In a few minutes, there was a scene of chaos. Whomsoever could run and save their lives, did so in a haste. More than 100 females went missing by the end of the entire carnage. Dead bodies of the tribal were all around the place, who were brutally beaten to pulp by the locals.

Laxmi Oraon, in particular was chased, stripped, kicked and chased again while she was running frightened, absolutely naked on the street. Did something happened to the people who were responsible for tormenting her. We do not know that.

Sony Sori

Soni Sori was a tribal school teacher, who was arrested on the 4th October, 2011 on the alleged charges of her being in connection with the Communist Party of India (Maoist). She was also accused of being a courier person for the said organization. As per her statement, she was interrogated on the 8th and 9th day of October, 2011. Prior to gang raping her, she was stripped, and given electric shocks. All this was done on the orders of the (then) DSP Ankit Garg, who later received a medal from the government. When she was sent to Kolkata Medical College Hospital, the doctors had to remove the stones lodged into her vagina and rectum.

Although the DSP Ankit Garg has denied her allegations, but the question remains prudent that if she was in police custody, then how these stones went into her body cavity????

Soni Sori's letter to the judge!

What saddens me is that the indigenous populace of India is not being supported by the media, the way it supports anyone else. The coverage is negligible, if compared to to the attention it gives to other victims.  The justice will be done with these victims of present times, but what about these tribal females and other victims of police, bureaucracy, politics and system?

At times, I am a bit frightened, what if the peaceful tribal agitate violently one day? What if they take over the streets in a suicidal blandishment? What if they follow the path of the Tibetans but take the lives of the culprits with them, while they make their own way to heaven?

A dangerous situation is cascading towards an explosive outcome.
Justice needs to be served soon...

Friday, 21 December 2012

Why I Love Writing!

"It is important to me, and many do not understand it, so I am writing about it."

Why I love writing, is something people ask me very often these days. 

I always loved writing, but I was scared to admit it perhaps. I was a wannabe, an aspiring writer but never a 'writer' until I got a call one lazy evening from someone who asked me if I would be comfortable writing about automobiles. I said yes, it was an excellent opportunity for me to write, learn and get my name up there on the site; as an author of whatever I wrote.

It was the turning point for me; I was christened a writer, a full-fledged author. I later realized that 'content' is the king and a pen or a keyboard is a mighty sword. The internet or the paper is the battleground, and the readers are the people who get influenced, affected, confused or saved by what they get to see and read. 

Journalism for true journalism has become a tough thing to practice today. However, I would like to do it, for the people must know what is happening around them, for real.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Okay, so what's so special about EzineArticles.Com that I am writing about it here?

Those who are not into content writing or writing at all, EzineArticles is an online article submission portal. It aims to match services between hundreds of thousands of expert authors, experts and Ezine Publishers looking for supplemental content they can use for next permission-based email newsletter. As of June of 2012, it was ranked #313 in traffic among global websites, and #305 in the United States of America.

I just got my very first article published here under the title of Must See Unusual Attraction in India 

Those who are keen on getting a recognition in writing, must get their articles submitted into these submission sites. Later, there work as a sample if one wishes to pursue a career in writing.  

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The Success Indicator????

The above image for "Success Indication" is very apt, but not entirely. 

Majority of the people have traits of both the kind but they live happy. Even, when people have everything, they are struggling to maintain what they earned, so struggle never ends for them. 

On the contrary, there are few who do not have much but they never have to struggle in order to maintain the so called status in society. They are satisfied with whatever little they have.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Mercedes Benz 125th Fraud

So my colleague receives this e-mail from Mercedes Benz 125th Anniversary Award.

On the due date (10-12-2012) the guy calls up from +91999254988 and tells that he has come down from UK to deliver the package and needs INR14,500 to clear the custom duties by the winner.

We even get to talk to the custom officer, a lady.

When we ask for the land-line number of the office they do not give us.

Then we check the location of the email sending system/computer.

Voila, it was Gurgaon, New Delhi and the internet service provider was MTS.

We call him up and my colleague abuses him, since then the phones are switched off.

It was fun to bother them but it is dangerous for the innocent people who think that they have won a lottery and part away with their hard earned money.

Read and Beware!!!!

Culprit had these two phone numbers 08285892038 / 0999254988
Account details where he wanted him to make the deposit;
R. Vicky
State Bank of India,
A/c # 20153924086
IFSC: SBIN004522

(UK) Office, 
Mercedes Benz UK 1 Queen Caroline Street Hammer Smith, London W69HQ,
United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 70 10073979
Fax: 44 (0)20-7031-300

Winning No: Your mobile number

ATTN:Your Name

The Board of Directors, Members of staff and the International Awareness Promotion Department of Mercedes Benz Company wish to officially inform you that we are done with the processing of your winning prize; your winning prize has been verified and approved for payment by this department. Your Payment Verification Form has also been received and filed along with other winning document for record purpose.
We have received confirmation letter from the Royal High Court of Justice that your winning funds of 700,000.00 GBP from theMercedes Benz 2012 MOBILE DRAW AWARD have been duly legalized, verified and approved for immediate delivery to you.
The mode of the delivery of your winning prize as stipulated by the Mercedes Benz company  is diplomatic delivery under the BRITISH DIPLOMATIC CHANNEL. Delivery will be made to you by High level senior British Diplomatic Representative Officer, his name is .Barristers Dennis. Your Consignment Code Number is (UK/147D/44B)

Attached to this mail is a scan copy of his British Diplomatic ID PROOF as proof of his identity. The Diplomatic Officer will be arriving India through British Airways and you are to send him a copy of your ID Proof (ID CARD/PAN CARD/VOTERS CARD OR DRIVER LICENSE COPY) to enable him identify you when he arrives your country (INDIA).
Please be warned: For security reason, you are advised to keep your parcel information confidential from general public till your winning prize remitted to you. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some double claimers.

Below is. Barristers Dennis Flight Information to India:

1. Your full names……............................
2. Your address …………………….............
3. Sex………...........................................                                                          
4. Your country……….............................
5. Nationality………….............................           
6. Your fax……………................................
7. Mobile phone number…...................
  8. Occupation………………........................                 
9. Your age……………….............................
10. Your winning email id…...................
11. Your id proof.....................................
12. Amount won……………….....................

13. Your account name.........................
14. Your account no...............................
15. Your bank name..............................
16. Branch............................................

Note: all shipment charges has been fully paid over here in London by Mercedes Benz (UK) while you will be responsible for Indian airport clearance charge of  Rs.14,500 /- INR on the arrival of your parcel at Delhi International Airport. In your revert email, do state your willingness to take care of the clearance charges in your country so as to enable us proceed with the onward delivery of your parcel to you and please you are to reconfirm your address for swift action before departure.


It is the duty of the senior diplomatic officer to guide you on how to make payment to custom without any complication. This money is payable there in your country as soon as the diplomat arrives at the airport to enable your authorities release the winning parcel to him for final delivery without any complication and for smooth delivery of your winning package in your home address. Note that as soon as the consignment is cleared from the airport, the diplomat shall proceed immediately to deliver the parcel to you in your resident address and the diplomat shall render you any assistance you need for the depositing to your local bank account, in this regards you are required to give the diplomat maximum co-operation to enable him serve you better.
Congratulations once more. Please notify this office as soon as you receive your parcel.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Here's to being creative by Prathap Suthan

This is a very apt explanation by Prathap Suthan on why we writers write. A must read, in order to get what we can't explain to those, who are never willing to understand what creativity is.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Are we really educated or we are just a bunch of "Intelligent Morons?"

Please go through this interesting article and think for a while. 

Are we really "Educated" in true terms or we have just mugged up the knowledge without any relevance to its usage or the real value behind the things we do?

It is a fact that we are politically uneducated. The scholars appearing for this administrative service's entrance interview, with only those answers that will help them score good. 

My concern is, aren't these kind of bureaucrats dangerous for the future of our nation and the generations to come after us?

Now I know, why my state and the nation is the way it is today.

Think about it.

Are you an "Intelligent Moron" or an enlightened and brave soul???

Jharkhand Public Service Commission

Prabhat Khabar Ranchi of JPSC Recruitment Civils 2012-12-06

दूध का दूध पानी का पानी
झारखंड लोक सेवा आयोग इंटरव्यू
त्नपी जोसेफ

कुछ दिन पूर्व प्रतिष्ठित सेवाओं की नियुक्ति के लिए झारखंड लोक सेवा आयोग (जेपीएससी) के इंटरव्यू पैनल में बैठने का मौका मिला. पैनल में मेरे अलावा और पांच वरीय पैनलिस्ट और अपने-अपने क्षेत्र के विशेषज्ञ भी थे.

तीन-चार दिन तक अभ्यर्थियों के इंटरव्यू लिये गये. इस दौरान उनकी मानसिकता तथा अन्य पहलूओं का आकलन करने का प्रयास किया गया. इंटरव्यू में सिर्फ एक प्रत्याशी ऐसे थे, जिनकी उम्र तीस वर्ष से कम थी. जहां अधिकत्तम उम्र 44 वर्ष और न्यूनतम 29 वर्ष. अधिकांश विवाहित थे. स्पष्टत: राज्य के प्रतिष्ठित प्रशासनिक/पुलिस सेवाओं में आनेवाले अभ्यर्थी में कोई भी सही मायने में युवा नहीं था. अभ्यर्थियों की शैक्षणिक पृष्ठभूमि भी अलग-अलग थी. किसी के पास एमबीए की डिग्री थी, तो कोई इंगलिश लिटरेचर से जुड़ा था, कोई रसायन शास्त्र में पीएचडी था. अधिकांश अभ्यर्थियों ने परीक्षा में खोरठा भाषा, इतिहास एवं लोक प्रशासन तथा श्रम एवं समाज कल्याण विषय रखा था. भूगोल भी एक प्रिय विषय था. उक्त विषय को ही क्यों चुना, यह पूछे जाने पर अधिकांश ने साफ-साफ कहा : इसमें अधिक मार्क्सक मिलते हैं.

पूरे राज्य से अभ्यर्थी आये थे. पलामू प्रमंडल के अभ्यर्थियों की पहली प्राथमिकता पुलिस सेवा थी. पुलिस सेवा क्यों? यह पूछे जाने पर रटा-रटाया जबाव होता था- पुलिस की छवि सुधारने का प्रयास करना है, लोगों के मन में पुलिस के भय को हटाना है. एक अभ्यर्थी तो लेरर का काम छोड़ कर पुलिस अफसर बनना चाहते थे. ये सभी कहते थे कि नक्सली समस्या का समाधान करेंगे. शेष पेज 15 पर
दूध का दूध ..

कुछ ने नक्सली समस्या को सामाजिक-राजनीतिक समस्या बतायी. पुलिस को दबंग होना चाहिए अथवा नहीं, इसके जवाब में कहा गया : सकारात्मक रूप से दबंग होना आवश्यक है. पुलिस सेवा में भर्ती के लिए न्यूतनम उम्र कितनी होनी चाहिए,यह पूछने पर जवाब था : न बहुत ज्यादा न, बहुत कम. पुलिस में भ्रष्टाचार फैला है? पूछने पर जवाब था : यह कुछ व्यक्तियों की करतूत. अभ्यर्थियों के जवाब से लगा कि ये उनके अपने विचार नहीं हैं, बल्कि कोचिंग इंस्टीट्यूट में उन्हें यही सिखाया गया था. एक महिला अभ्यर्थी ने बड़ी शालीनता से कहा कि वह घर के काम में अपनी मां का हाथ बंटाती है. किसी भी अभ्यर्थी की खेल खेलने में रूचि नहीं थी. कुछ की रूचि क्रिकेट देखने में थी पर क्रिकेट की सामान्य जानकारी भी नहीं थी.

एक अभ्यर्थी ने कहा- उसे खाना बनाने का शौक है और वह चिकेन/फिश बनाने में माहिर है. शर्माते हुए उसने बताया कि वह अभी भी अपनी पत्नी को खाना बना कर खिलाता है. एक अभ्यर्थी से जब उनके नाम का अर्थ पूछा गया, तो उनका जवाब था- नाम तो दादी ने रखा है, इसलिए वह नाम का अर्थ नहीं बता सकते. इंटरव्यू में मुझे लगा कि कोचिंग सेंटर ने छात्रों को शौक के बारे में प्रशिक्षण नहीं दिया था. अधिकांश अभ्यर्थियों को अपने विषय का अद्यतन ज्ञान एवं सामान्य ज्ञान काफी कम था. एक ने तो अंगरेजी लिटरेचर में एमए किया था, पर उसने रोमियो जूलियट को कामेडी बताया. पब्लिक एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन क्या है, पूछने पर जबाव था- इट इज एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन ऑफ पब्लिक. भूगोल में एम पास एक अभ्यर्थी ने बताया-टुंड्रा प्रदेश में वहां के लोग तंबुओं में रहते हैं. भूगोल, श्रम एवं समाज कल्याण तथा लोक प्रशासन के लिए कौन सी पुस्तक पढ.ी? पूछने पर किसी कुंजी, गेस पेपर, गाइड, नोट्स का नाम बताया. वास्तविक पुस्तकों के नाम भी किसी ने नहीं बताया. इससे लगा कि मात्र परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करने के लिए वे पढ. रहे हैं या फिर जिन विषयों में अधिक नंबर मिलते हैं, उनका चयन कर परीक्षा पास कर रहे हैं और सरकारी सेवाओं में प्रवेश पा रहे हैं. अभ्यर्थी की मानसिकता को परखने के लिए कुछ सवाल किये गये तो रटा-रटा जवाब मिला. उदाहरण स्वरूप ‘समाज के अंतिम व्यक्ति तक विकास योजना का लाभ पहुंचाना,’ ‘सभी को उचित अवसर प्रदान करना’, ‘सभी के साथ उचित न्याय करना’ आदि. एक अभ्यर्थी डेयरी के व्यवसाय में थे. उनसे पूछा गया कि दूध में पानी मिलाते हैं? जवाब दिया-पानी मिलाना ही पड़ता है. ग्राहक जिस दाम का दूध चाहता है, उसी हिसाब से उन्हें पानी मिला कर दूध देते हैं. 40 रुपये में शुद्घ दूध तथा 34 रुपये में 30 प्रतिशत पानी मिला कर दूध देते हैं. यह जवाब देते समय अभ्यर्थी को न कोई झिझक थी न ही शर्म. इसे देखकर पैनल के सभी लोग अचंभित थे. यह प्रश्न दूध में पानी मिलाने का नहीं था, बल्कि इस कार्य में कुछ गलत नहीं है, इस पक्की धारणा का था.

एक अभ्यर्थी द्वारा कहा गया कि मानव विज्ञान का सिलेबस अत्यंत छोटा होता है, जिस कारण परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करना आसान होता है. ऐसे जवाबों को प्रमाणिकता के रूप में देखा जाये या अभ्यर्थियों की लाचारी, कमजोरी एवं हमारी परीक्षा व्यवस्था की कमी, यह हमलोगों के समीक्षा से परे था. इतना महसूस हो गया था कि आने वाले दिनों में यही अभ्यर्थी हमारे प्रशासन/पुलिस के वरीय पदाधिकारी बनेंगें और उसके बाद मनरेगा/इंदिरा आवास योजना तथा अन्य विकास की योजनाओं में पानी मिलायेंगे. नागरिकों की सुविधा तथा प्रशासन की पहले से ही धूमिल छवि पर और कीचड़ उछालेंगे और यह भी समझायेंगें कि जनता को जिस दाम का प्रशासन चाहिए, वैसा ही उन्हें मिलेगा............

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Citizen Journalists required!

An upcoming and excellent newspaper "Dalit Adivasi Duniya" needs citizen journalists for real and honest Journalism.

If you are keen on becoming part of this revolutionary movement. please follow the details mentioned below.

आप भी पत्रकार बनें। "दलित आदिवासी दुनिया" भारत की आदिवासियों का अपना अखबार है। यह हमें एक दूसरे से जोड़ कर संवादों का आदान-प्रदान एवं संवाद स्थापित करने का माध्यम है। अपने विचार और सलाह जन-जन तक पहुंचाए और आदिवासी समाज में जागरुकता और एकता का दीप जलाएं। देश के कोने-कोने में बसे हम आदिवासी एक हैं, हम मिलकर आगे बढ़ेगें और कामयाबी की मंजिल छुएगें।

यदि आप अपने क्षेत्र में रिपोर्टिंग करना चाहते हैं तो हमसे संपर्क करें,,,
Mo.No.9717880389, 9718572313

हम आपको "दलित आदिवासी दुनिया" का आई-कार्ड देंगे,
आप अपना पूरा ब्यौरा, निर्वाचन कार्ड की फोटो कॉपी, 5 पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो और 10वीं या 12वीं कक्षा का प्रमाणपत्र और अंकपत्र भेजें।

साथ 500रुपए अवश्य भेजें (डाक खर्च एवं अन्य खर्च के लिए)
आप रुपए मनीआर्डर द्वारा 148-C, Pocket-6, MIG Flat, Mayur Vihar Phase-III, Delhi-110096 पते पर भेज सकते हैं या "दलित आदिवासी दुनिया" के नाम पर स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, अकाउंट नंबर- 32259237541 में जमा कर सकते हैं। स्टेट बैंक में जमा करने के बाद हमें अवश्य सूचित करें और रसीद भेजें।

राजन कुमार, कार्यालय प्रमुख
"दलित आदिवासी दुनिया"

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Solidarity with Tibet...

The media is not covering much about Tibet and the self-immolations that has crossed a number of 90 till now. 

As a human being we need to support the Tibetans get Free Tibet from the clutches of China.

They matter, their pain matters, freedom of Tibet matters...

More info could be found here about Solidarity with Tibet.

Monday, 3 December 2012


Today I took a shot of myself so I may observe the progress I am making. It will be a weekly affair on every Monday but I will post all the photos at the end of this fitness series. 

The day started with some basic stretching, Yoga, crunches, pushups and dips. Every exercise was of two sets with 20 repetitions each. The specialized diet will start by the 5th of this month, till them I am to have regular junk food and let the body break.

In 21 days I expect to have my first phase of overcoming the "Lazy Days" cleared.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Healthy 8 Pack

It has been a long awaited dream to be materialized within next 60 days. I know it's a crazy feat to accomplish but I have to get back in the same realm of fitness as I was earlier. The desk-job and mixed lifestyle of Mumbai has made my body very lackadaisical. All that will change as I am already on the route to achieving my 8-packs.

Got to reach the 5th stage!

Today is the second day conditioning my body for the hard training days ahead. By the 7th of this month I shall be back on the street running 10km a day, for 5 days a week and 1 day of dedicated to some strenuous workout. 

The target areas will remain the same as ever;
  1. Arms
  2. Torso
  3. Legs
The running should help me shed extra fat and regain with the lost stamina while crunches and dips should help me with my packs and arms. Squat should take care of the legs alongside running regime.

More precise details on my exercise routine and diet shall come up in the forthcoming days.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Kumaram for Kekoo...

The gathering at Kumaram, Worli Sea Face in remembrance of Kekoo Gandhy was a very touching moment for me. Especially seeing him again in the video footage that was compiled to showcase his young life reminded me all the small talks I had with this old man, who died young at the age of 92.

At the very same gathering it was good to see my old friends Sachin, and Nikhil along with Saurabh. After the get-together we four Jawaan spent some time chatting at the promenade right in front of Kumaram to catch up on the good old times we shared.

After a few photos we boarded a cab to the Eliphinstone station, the ride was small and the cab was smaller (Maruti Alto). All the Hunks sat behind and the lone Hulk sat in the front seat where the cab-driver was bit apprehensive to let him have a seat; after all he was finding it very difficult to shift gears. Somehow we laughed and the cab-driver managed to maneuver the vehicle.

The spot where the cab left us was very picturesque for many reason. On the right we could see the endless horizon over the sea and on the left was a building, which had colorful lights in every window. 

Reaching home, I realize that I need to meet everybody once again, whom I have met so far in the course of my journey. 

I will do that soon...

Friday, 30 November 2012

Birthday Approaching!!!

With November, 2012 going away, my birthday is approaching. 

I am excited for a brand new year of my life where I intend to do many things. 

It will be packed with a lot of writing and yes, vagabond-ism!!!

As for today, I met a very old friend of mine from my school days. It was a good long talk over lunch of fish and noodles. But above everything else, a good idea has been discussed and it will be materialized soon.


Wednesday, 28 November 2012


"The Way of the Warrior" or "Bushido (武士道) " or "Tlawmngaihna" as they say in Mizoram, India. is not only a code for the fighters but for anyone and everyone who wishes to lead a life honorably. 

Yes, it is difficult to follow in the beginning but one can do it in his respective field of profession, irrespective of the nature of their work.

I am in the process...

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Memo to the Indian Staff by their offshore head-office HR

This offensive piece of memo has just come into my email inbox from a friend of mine who works for this corporate house.

Please read and be offended.

This is a REAL MEMO from a HR Director in Redmond, WA to its staff of Indian Origin. Every word here is kept intact without alteration.

In view of the large number of Indians working in the USA, UK and many other countries with White People, it has become important for Human Resources Department to issue directives to their Indian staff.

It has been brought to our attention by several officials visiting our corporate headquarters that offensive language is commonly used by our Hindi-speaking staff. Such behavior, in addition to violating our policy, is highly unprofessional and offensive to both visitors and colleagues.
Staff will IMMEDIATELY adhere to the following rules:

1. Words like CHUTIYA, GANDU and other such expressions will not be used for emphasis, no matter how heated the discussion. You will not say CHUTIYE, AKKAL NAHI HAI KYA TEREKO when someone makes a mistake, or MADAR CHOD, BHENCHOD when a major mistake has been made. All forms derived from the verb CHOD are inappropriate in our environment.

2. No project manager, section head or administrator, under any circumstances, will be referred to as GADHA or CHUTIYA. Lack of determination will not be referred to as KAAMCHOR SAALA and neither will persons who lack initiative be referred to as BHOSADIKAA or MADARCHOD.

3. Unusual or creative ideas from your superiors are not to be referred to as GAND FAADU, if a person is persistent, or if a task is heavy to accomplish. In a similar way, do not use GAND FATI, if a colleague is going through a difficult situation.

4. Furthermore, you must not say BHOSADE MEIN GAYA when matters become complicated. When asking someone to leave you alone, you must not say DIMAG KI MAA BHEN MAT KAR. Do not ever substitute 'May I help you?' with BOL TERI GAND KAISE MARU.

5. When things get tough, an acceptable_expression such as 'We are going through a difficult time' should be used, rather than MAA CHUDI PADI HAI or GOTI MUH MEIN HAI.

6. No salary increase shall be ever referred to as KHAIRAAT BAATI JAA RAHI HAI KYA. Under no circumstances should you call our elderly corporate partners as BUDDHA KHOOSAT.

7. Last, but not least, after reading this memo, please do not say: YE KAGAJ GAND PONCHNE KE LAAYAK BHI NAHI HAI.

We hope you will keep these directions in mind.
Steve Rider
Human Resources